1.        According to Federal law it is illegal to have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL)

a.        From more than one state

b.        For more than one type of commercial motor vehicle

c.        Without an endorsement

d.        A and C


2.        You are checking your tires during a pre-trip inspection.Which of these statements is true?

a.        Radial and bias-ply tires can be used together on the same vehicle

b.        2/32 of an inch tread depth is safe for the front tires

c.        Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same vehicle

d.        Checking for tire depth is not required


3.        You are checking your steering and exhaust systems during a pre-trip inspection.Which of these statements is true?

a.        Steering wheel play of more than 10 degrees (2 inches on a 20-inch steering wheel) can make it hard to steer

b.        Leaks in the exhaust system are not a problem if they are outside the cab

c.        Some leakage of power steering fluid is normal

d.        If you find a leak in the exhaust system, drive with the windows open


4.        You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip inspection.Which of these statements is true?

a.        Brake shoes should not have oil or grease or brake fluid on them

b.        Brake pads should not have brake fluid on them

c.        One missing leaf in a leaf spring can be dangerous

d.        All of the above


5.        You are checking your wheels and rims during a pre-trip inspection.Which of theses statements is true?

a.        Rust around wheel nuts may mean that they are loose

b.        Cracked wheels or rims can be used if they have been welded

c.        Missing, bent or broken studs are not a safety hazard

d.        Mismatched lock rings may be used on the same vehicle


6.        Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should always be carried in your vehicle?

a.        Fire extinguisher

b.        Spare electrical fuses if needed

c.        Warning devices for parked vehicles

d.        All of the above


7.        Which of these is not part of the pre-trip inspection of the engine compartment?

a.        Engine oil level

b.        Valve clearance

c.        Condition of hoses

d.        Worn electrical wiring insulation



8.        The best way to check for loose lugs is to:

a.        Twist them by hand

b.        Use a lug wrench

c.        Look for space between nuts and the rim

d.        Shake the wheel


9.        How do you test hydraulic brakes for a leak?

a.        Hydraulic brakes cannot leak, so there is no need to test them

b.        Move the vehicle slowly and see if it stops when the brake is applied

c.        With the vehicle stopped, pump the pedal three times, apply firm pressure; then hold for five (5) seconds and see if the pedal moves

d.        Step on the brake pedal and the accelerator at the same time and see if the vehicle moves


10.     Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true?

a.        If the trailer begins to drift, turn the top of the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the drift

b.        You should avoid backing whenever you can

c.        When you use a helper, he/she should use clear voice signals

d.        It is safer to back toward the right side of the vehicle than to the driver�s side


11.     When backing a loaded truck you need a helper because:

a.        Mirrors don�t let you see the full length of the trailer

b.        Mirrors don�t let you see directly behind the trailer

c.        Both mirrors must be used for a complete view

d.        He can watch one side while you watch the other


12.     What is the proper way to hold a steering wheel?

a.        With one hand

b.        With both hands close together near the top of the wheel

c.        With both hands close together near the bottom of the wheel

d.        With both hands at opposite sides of the wheel


13.     When backing into an alley you can see best if you turn:

a.        Too you left side

b.        To your right side

c.        To the side with the shorter distance

d.        To the side with the longest distance


14.     To correct a trailer drift when backing straight turn the steering wheel:

a.        Away form the direction of the trailer drift

b.        In the same direction the trailer is drifting

c.        Away form, then in, the direction the trailer is drifting

d.        None of the above





15.     �Double clutching� is a term describing:

a.        Two clutch peddles

b.        Changing fast from clutch to brake pedal

c.        Engaging and disengaging the clutch twice

d.        Pushing the clutch down twice as far as needed


16.     Which of these statements about double clutching and shifting is true?

a.        Double clutching should not be used when the road is slippery

b.        Double clutching should only be used with a heavy load

c.        You can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift

d.        If you miss a gear while up shifting, you must bring the vehicle to a complete stop


17.     Which of these statements about downshifting is true?

a.        When you downshift for a hill, speed up at the same time

b.        When you downshift for a curve, you should do so BEFORE you enter the curve

c.        When you downshift for a hill, you should do so AFTER you start down the hill

d.        When you downshift for a curve, you should do so AFTER you enter the curve


18.     Which of these statements is true about retarders?

a.        They cause extra brake wear

b.        They allow you to disconnect the steering axle brakes

c.        They can cause the drive wheels to skid when they have poor traction

d.        They cannot be used on interstate highways


19.     Auxiliary brakes or speed retarders are designed to:

a.        Protect the engine

b.        Stop the vehicle

c.        Slow the vehicle

d.        Warn people you are slowing down


20.     When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should:

a.        Look to the right side of the road

b.        Look to the left side of the road

c.        Look back and forth

d.        Look straight ahead and not be distracted to the side


21.     Which of these statements about using mirrors is true?

a.        You should look at a mirror for several seconds at a time

b.        There are �blind spots� that your mirror cannot show you

c.        A lane change requires you to look at the mirrors twice

d.        Mirrors are useful only when changing lanes and during backing


22.     How far should a driver look ahead of the vehicle while driving?

a.        1-2 seconds

b.        5-8 seconds

c.        12-15 seconds

d.        18-21 seconds





23.     The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving amounts to about what fraction of a mile at high speeds:

a.        1/10 of a mile

b.        1/8 of a mile

c.        � of a mile

d.        � of a mile


24.     The CDL manual suggests several things to do when you pass a vehicle.Which of these is not one of the suggested things to do?

a.        Lightly tap your horn

b.        When passing at night turn on your high beams before you start to pass and leave them on until you have completely passed the vehicle

c.        Drive carefully to avoid a crash

d.        Assume the other driver does not see you


25.     You should use your mirrors to check:

a.        The condition of your tires

b.        Where the rear of your vehicle is when you make turns

c.        Traffic gaps when merging

d.        All of the above


26.     Which of the statements about using turn signals is true?

a.        When turning you should cancel the signal just before you make the turn

b.        You do not need to use your turn signal while changing lanes on a four-lane highway

c.        When turning you should signal early

d.        You should use your turn signal to mark you vehicle when it is pulled off on the side of the road


27.     The image in a convex mirror will appear:

a.        Closer than it really is

b.        Farther away than it really is

c.        The distance it really is

d.        Farther as it gets closer


28.     If you must slow down unexpectedly because the road is blocked warn driers behind you by:

a.        Turning on emergency flashers

b.        Tapping the brake pedal

c.        Motioning up and down with your hand

d.        Flashing your headlights


29.     To alert others to your location it is best to:

a.        Use a slight tap on the horn

b.        Use a loud blast on the horn

c.        Avoid using the horn

d.        Use the horn until they look at you


30.     Which of these statements about marking a stopped vehicle is true?

a.        If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500�, the rear reflective triangle should be moved back down the road to give adequate warning

b.        You so not need to put out reflective triangles unless the vehicle will be stopped for 30 minutes or more

c.        The vehicle tail lights should be kept on to warn other drivers

d.        All of the above


31.     You must park on the side of a level, straight, two-lane road.Where should you place the three reflective triangles?

a.        One within 10� of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100� to the rear, and one about 200� to the rear

b.        One within 10� of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100� to the rear, and one about 100� from the front of the vehicle

c.        One about 50� from the rear of the vehicle, one about 100� to the rear, and one about 100�from the front of the vehicle

d.        One about 10� in front of the vehicle, one about 10� to the rear, and one about 100� to the rear of the vehicle


32.     You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water.But if you must, what will keep your brakes working?

a.        Gently pressing the brake pedal while driving through the water

b.        Applying hard pressure on both the brake pedal and accelerator after coming out of the water

c.        Disconnecting the steering axle brakes after coming out of the water

d.        Decreasing engine RPM while crossing the water


33.     Ice will be most slippery when the temperature is:

a.        Below freezing

b.        Well below freezing

c.        Almost at freezing

d.        At 0 degree temperature


34.     What should you do if your vehicle hydroplanes?

a.        Start stab braking

b.        Accelerate slightly

c.        Release the accelerator

d.        Apply light, steady pressure on the brake pedal


35.     On wet pavement, worn tread on front tractor tires is most likely to result in:

a.        A blowout

b.        Hydroplaning

c.        Tire pressure loss

d.        Shimmying of the front end


36.     Which of the statements about speed management is true?

a.        On a wet road you should reduce your speed by about 1/3

b.        On packed snow you should reduce your speed by at least �

c.        When the road is slippery it will take longer to stop and it will be harder to turn without skidding

d.        All of the above


37.     The road on which you are driving becomes very slippery de to glare ice.Which of these is a good thing to do in such a situation?

a.        Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so

b.        Downshift to stop

c.        Apply brakes often to keep the linings dry

d.        Keep varying your speed by accelerating and braking



38.     The road is most slippery:

a.        Just after it starts to rain

b.        After it rains long enough to wash the road

c.        Just as the rain stops

d.        After the rain is completely over


39.     Which of these statements about speed management is true?

a.        Empty trucks always stop in a shorter distance than fully loaded ones

b.        As the speed of a vehicle doubles, its stopping distance also doubles

c.        Choose a driving speed that lets you stop in the space that you can see ahead

d.        Following too closely is not a problem if the driver is alert


40.     You are driving a vehicle with alight load, traffic is moving at 35 mph in a 55 mph zone.The safest speed for your vehicle in this situation is most likely:

a.        30 mph

b.        35 mph

c.        40 mph

d.        55 mph


41.     Which of these can cause a vehicle to skid?

a.        Entering curve too fast

b.        Too much weight on the front axle

c.        Under acceleration

d.        All of the above


42.     You are driving a heavy vehicle.You must exit a highway using an off ramp that curves downhill.You should:

a.        Use the posted speed limit for the off ramp

b.        Slow down to a safe speed before you turn

c.        Wait until you are in the turn before downshifting

d.        Reduce you speed 5-10 mph below the posted speed limit


43.     You are driving a 40� vehicle at 45 mph.Driving conditions are ideal (dry pavement, good visibility).The least amount of space that you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe is the distance you would travel in:

a.        2 seconds

b.        3 seconds

c.        4 seconds

d.        5 seconds


44.     If you are being tailgated, you should:

a.        Increase the space in front of your vehicle

b.        Flash you brake lights

c.        Speed up

d.        Signal the tailgater when it is safe to pass


45.     Which of these statements about overhead clearance is true?

a.        Posted clearance signs are correct

b.        A vehicle�s clearance can change with the load carried

c.        If the road surface causes the vehicle to tilt, you should drive close to the shoulder

d.        Overhead clearances will be the same no matter what side of the road you are on





46.     Which of these statements about driving in areas with strong winds is true?

a.        You should drive along side other vehicles to help break up the wind

b.        The lighter your vehicle the less trouble you will have with the wind

c.        Winds are especially a problem when coming out of tunnels

d.        You can lessen the effect of the wind by letting some air out of your tires


47.     Error- No Question


48.     To keep drivers from passing on the right when making a right turn with a tractor/trailer, position the:


a.        Tractor to block them

b.        Trailer to block them

c.        Tractor and trailer close to the curb line

d.        Tractor and trailer close to the center line


49.     Which of these statements about crossing or entering traffic with a heavy vehicle is true?

a.        Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars

b.        Te best way to cross traffic is to pull the vehicle partway across the road and block one lane while waiting for the other to clear

c.        The heavier the load, the smaller the gap needed to cross traffic

d.        Never cross traffic.Always turn right and turn around when safe to do so


50.     T make a left turn start the turn:

a.        As soon as you reach the intersection

b.        At the center of the intersection

c.        Well before reaching the center of the intersection

d.        Just before reaching the far curb


51.     Which of these is a good rule to follow when driving at night?

a.        Always use your bright lights at night

b.        Look directly at the oncoming headlights

c.        Keep your speed slow enough to stop within the range of your headlights

d.        Keep your instrument lights bright


52.     Which of these statements about staying alert to drive is true?

a.        A half-hour break for coffee will do more to keep you alert than a half-hour nap

b.        There are drugs that can overcome being tired

c.        It is possible to fall completely asleep while sitting up

d.        The only thing that can cure fatigue is sleep


53.     Which of the statements is true about high beams?

a.        High beams should be used when it is safe and legal to do so

b.        High beams should be turned on when an oncoming driver does not dim his lights

c.        High beams should be dimmed at the time you get within 200� of another vehicle

d.        All of the above





54.     When the roads are slippery you should:

a.        Drive along side other vehicles

b.        Make turns as gentle as possible

c.        Stop and test the traction while going up hills

d.        Decrease the distance that you look ahead of your vehicle


55.     Which if these statements about tires and hot weather driving is true?

a.        You should inspect your tires more often

b.        If a tire is too hot to touch, you should drive on it to cool it off

c.        Recapped tires are less likely to fail in hot weather than new tires

d.        Air pressure readings will be the same whether the tires are hot or cold


56.     You are driving a new truck that has a manual transmission.What gear will you probably have to use to make a long steep downhill grade?

a.        The same gear that you would use to climb the hill

b.        A lower gear than you would use to climb the hill

c.        A higher gear than you would use to climb the hill

d.        None.Newer trucks can coast down hills


57.     Which is the best way to use the brake pedal on a steep downhill grade?

a.        Light, steady pressure

b.        Apply brakes, slow down approx. 5 mph, and when speed increases to safe speed, repeat process

c.        Repeated strong pressure, then release

d.        Strong, steady pressure


58.     Truck escape ramps:

a.        Help avoid damage to vehicles

b.        Should not be used if brakes fail on a downgrade

c.        Cannot be used by certain vehicles

d.        All of the above


59.     You are traveling down a long, steep hill.Your brakes begin to fade and then fail.What should you do?

a.        Downshift

b.        Pump the brake pedal

c.        Look for an escape ramp or escape route

d.        Turn off the engine


60.     While driving, you see a small object ahead in you lane.You should:

a.        Stop and direct traffic around it

b.        Hit it with your vehicle to knock it off the road

c.        Steer around it, if it is safe to do so

d.        Proceed on, do nothing


61.     You can see a marking on a vehicle ahead of you.The marking is a red triangle with an orange center.What does the marking mean?

a.        It may be a slow moving vehicle

b.        The vehicle is hauling hazardous materials

c.        It is a law enforcement vehicle

d.        It is being driven by a student driver


62.     Your vehicle is in a traffic emergency and may collide with another vehicle if you don�t take action.Which of these is a good rule to remember?

a.        You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop

b.        Stopping is always the safest action in a traffic emergency

c.        Leaving the road is always more risky than hitting another vehicle

d.        Unbuckle your safety belt before impact so you will not be trapped inside your vehicle


63.     To avoid a crash, you had to drive on the right shoulder.How should you move back onto the pavement?

a.        Come to a complete stop, if possible before steering back onto the pavement

b.        Brake hard to slow the vehicle, then steer sharply onto the pavement

c.        Steer sharply onto the pavement, then brake hard as you counter steer

d.        Keep moving at the present speed and steer very gently back onto the pavement


64.     Some traffic emergencies may require you to leave the road.Which of these is a good thing to remember?

a.        If you must leave the road, try to get all wheels off the pavement

b.        You should brake hard as you leave the pavement

c.        You should avoid braking until your speed has dropped to about 20 mph

d.        Most shoulders will not support a large vehicle


65.     Which of these is the most important thing to remember about emergency braking?

a.        Emergency braking helps keep the brake linings clean

b.        Disconnecting the steering axle brakes will help keep your vehicle in a straight line during emergency braking

c.        If the wheels are skidding you cannot control the vehicle

d.        Hit the brakes hard before doing anything else


66.     If forced to leave the road and return while still traveling fast the correct steering procedure is to:

a.        Steer sharply back and slowly countersteer

b.        Steer gradually back and slowly contersteer

c.        Steer sharply back and quickly countersteer

d.        Hit the brakes hard before doing anything else


67.     Which of these is a sign of tire failure?

a.        Steering that feels heavy

b.        A loud bang

c.        Vibration

d.        All of the above


68.     How do you correct a rear-wheel acceleration skid?

a.        Increase acceleration to the wheels

b.        Apply the brake

c.        Stop accelerating and push in the clutch

d.        Stop accelerating and apply the brake






69.     You are driving on a straight, level highway at 50 mph.There are no vehicles in front of you.A tire blows out on your vehicle.What should you do?

a.        Stay off the brake until the vehicle slows down on its own

b.        Quickly steer onto the shoulder

c.        Begin light braking

d.        Immediately downshift and brake hard


70.     You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop, as you apply power to the drive wheels thy start to spin.What should you do?

a.        Take your foot off the accelerator

b.        Take your foot off the accelerator and apply the brakes

c.        Press harder on the accelerator

d.        Try a lower gear


71.     The most common cause of serious vehicle skids is:

a.        Driving too fast for road conditions

b.        Poorly adjusted brakes

c.        Too much weight on the front axle

d.        Bad tires


72.     If a straight vehicle (no trailer or articulation) goes into a front wheel skid, it will:

a.        Slide sideways and spin out

b.        Slide sideways somewhat, but not spin out

c.        Go straight ahead but will turn if you turn the steering wheel

d.        Go straight ahead even if the steering wheel is turned


73.     What is countersteering?

a.        Turning the steering wheel counterclockwise

b.        Steering in the opposite direction from what other drivers expect you to do

c.        Using the steering axle brakes to prevent oversteering

d.        Turning the wheel back in the other direction after steering to avoid a traffic emergency


74.     To correct rear-wheel braking skid, you should:

a.        Apply more pressure to the brake pedal and steer/countersteer

b.        Release the brakes and accelerate

c.        Release the brakes and steer/countersteer

d.        Maintain brake pressure and accelerate


75.     Which of these can cause a fire?

a.        Under inflated tires

b.        Loose fuel connections

c.        Electrical short circuits

d.        All of the above


76.     When requesting emergency assistance at an accident scene the most important information to give is:

a.        How the accident happened

b.        The location of the accident

c.        How many vehicles are involved

d.        How many wreckers are needed


77.     In an accident the first thing you do is:

a.        Call the police

b.        Keep another accident form happening

c.        Assist the injured

d.        Clear the area of all spectators



78.     Which fires can you put out with water?

a.        Tires fires

b.        Gasoline fires

c.        Electrical fires

d.        All of the above


79.     An on-road inspection should include checking for:

a.        Tire overheating

b.        Brake overheating

c.        Cargo securement

d.        All of the above


80.     If there is a fire in the cargo area the doors should be:

a.        Kept closed

b.        Opened quickly

c.        Opened slowly

d.        Opened and closed quickly


81.     Which of these is a good rule to follow when using a fire extinguisher?

a.        Keep as close to the fire as possible

b.        Stay downwind of the fire

c.        Constantly move around the fire

d.        Aim at the base of the fire


82.     The best way to prevent fatigue is to schedule trips during:

a.        Daylight hours only

b.        Hours you are normally awake

c.        Weekdays only

d.        When traffic is light


83.     Which of these statements about drinking alcohol is true?

a.        Some people aren�t affected by drinking

b.        A few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey

c.        Coffee and fresh air can sober a person up

d.        If you drink alcohol fast enough, it will affect you less


84.     As the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) goes up, what happens?

a.        The effect of alcohol decreases

b.        The drinker is always aware of increased effects

c.        The person is even more dangerous if allowed to drive

d.        The drinker can sober up in less time


85.     Driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely is:

a.        Permitted if it is prescribed by a doctor

b.        Against the law

c.        Permitted if it is a diet pill or cold medicine

d.        Easier if combined with a small amount of alcohol


86.     Which of these is a good thing to remember about drinking alcohol?

a.        Alcohol first effects judgment and self-control which are necessary for safe driving

b.        The chance of a crash is much greater for drivers who have been drinking

c.        A driver can lose his license for driving while drunk

d.        All of the above


87.     The intent of the hazardous materials regulations has three parts.Two of these parts are to ensure safe drivers and equipment and to communicate the risk.The third part is

a.        To tax shippers correctly

b.        To contain the material

c.        To allow state enforcement

d.        None of the above


88.     You are transporting hazardous materials.When you are not behind the wheel, where must the shipping papers be? On the driver�s seat or:

a.        In the driver�s door pouch

b.        In the trailers paper pouch

c.        On your person

d.        On the dashboard


89.     You do not have a Hazardous Materials Endorsement on your Commercial Driver�s license.When can you legally haul hazardous materials?

a.        When the load does not require placards

b.        When the GVWR is 26,001 lbs.or more

c.        When the shipment will not cross state lines

d.        When a person who has the endorsement rides in the vehicle


90.     Which of these statements about cargo loading is true?

a.        The legal maximum weight allowed by a state is safe for all driving conditions

b.        If cargo is loaded by the shipper, the driver is not responsible for overloading

c.        State regulations dictate legal weight limits

d.        If the initial inspection is thorough, it is not necessary to check the load on the road


91.     If a vehicle is loaded with most of the weight on the steering axle, what can happen?

a.        Too much traction on the steering axle

b.        Not enough traction on the steering axle

c.        Difficult steering

d.        Nothing, it doesn�t affect the steering of the vehicle at all


92.     The center of gravity of a load:

a.        Should be kept as high as possible

b.        Can make a vehicle likely to roll over on curves

c.        Is only a problem if the vehicle is overloaded

d.        Describes how the weight is distributed in the trailer, from front to rear


93.     The key principle in balancing cargo weight is to keep the load:

a.        To the front

b.        To the rear

c.        Centered

d.        It makes no difference.The load will be equally distributed.


94.     Cargo that can shift should have at least _____ tiedowns.

a.        1

b.        2

c.        3

d.        4


95.     Shifting gears is not permitted:

a.        When crossing railroad tracks

b.        When across any bridge

c.        When traveling faster than 35 mph

d.        All of the above

96.     Which of these is the most important thing to remember about emergency braking?

a.        Disconnecting the steering axle brakes will keep the vehicle in a straight line

b.        To keep the rear wheels form sliding, brake hard

c.        Never do it without downshifting first

d.        If the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle


97.     Which of these statements about brakes is true?

a.        The heavier a vehicle or the faster it is moving, the more heat the brakes have to absorb to stop

b.        Brakes have more stopping power when they get very hot

c.        When going downhill, heavy use of the brakes is recommend

d.        Brake drums cool very quickly


98.     Which of these would tell you that a shipment contains hazardous material?

a.        The name of a hazard class on the shipping paper

b.        A four-inch diamond shape hazardous materials label on the container

c.        A hazardous materials placard on the vehicle

d.        All of the above


99.     If you see a �shippers certification� printed on a shipping paper, this may tell you that:

a.        The shipment contains Hazardous Materials

b.        The shipper carries insurance on the cargo

c.        The shipper certifies that the shipment is complete, as listed on the shipping papers

d.        The shipment is the correct count


100.  No one may smoke around any vehicle being loaded or unloaded with:

a.        Flammables

b.        Oxidizers

c.        Explosives

d.        Any of the above




1.        Before backing, check behind your vehicle by:

a.        Getting out of the cab

b.        Using all mirrors

c.        Ask someone to check for you

d.        Using the mirrors and leaning out of the cab


2.        You are testing the air leakage rate of a combination vehicle.The system is at full pressure, the engine is off, and the brakes are off.The leakage rate should be less than ______per minute.

a.        1 psi

b.        2 psi

c.        3 psi

d.        4 psi


3.        The air leakage rate in a combination vehicle should not be more than _____ per minute with the engine off and the brakes on.

a.        2 psi

b.        3 psi

c.        4 psi

d.        5 psi


4.        There are two things a driver can do to prevent a rollover.They are:1.Keep the weight in your truck as close to the ground as possible and 2. ________________.

a.        Make sure that the brakes are properly adjusted

b.        Keep both hands firmly on the steering wheel

c.        Go slow around turns

d.        Make sure that you are traveling at the posted speed limit on all curves and exit ramps


5.        Which one of the following statements is true?

a.        The brakes and suspension systems of combination vehicles are most effective with a light load.

b.        Always delay braking of a heavy vehicle until you have no other choice

c.        Light vehicles need more braking power to sop than heavy ones

d.        �Bobtail� tractors take linger to stop than loaded combination vehicles


6.        In normal driving some drivers use the hand valve before the brake pedal to prevent a jackknife.Which of these statements is true?

a.        It should not be done

b.        It results in less skidding when using the brake pedal alone

c.        It lets the driver steer with both hands

d.        It is the best way to brake and keep the truck in a straight line


7.        When should you use the hand valve to park a combination vehicle?

a.        To park at loading docks

b.        To park for less than two hours

c.        To park on a grade

d.        Never


8.        Air lines on a truck are often color coded so you will not mix them up.If they are colored, the emergency line will be _____ and the service line_______.

a.        Red, blue

b.        Black, yellow

c.        Blue, red

d.        Red, black


9.        A device which allows the trailer brakes to be applied more quickly than would otherwise be possible:

a.        Quick release valve

b.        Relay valve

c.        Front wheel limiting valve

d.        S-Cam


10.     You are driving a combination vehicle when the trailer breaks away pulling apart both air lines.You would expect the trailer brakes to come on and what else would happen?

a.        The tractor would lose all air pressure

b.        The tractor protection valve would close

c.        The trailer supply valve would stay open

d.        The trailer brakes would go off about every two seconds






11.     The driver crosses the air lines when hooking up to an old type trailer.What will happen?

a.        The hand valve will apply the tractor brakes instead of the trailer brakes

b.        The brake pedal will work the trailer�s spring brakes instead of the air brakes

c.        If the trailer does not have spring brakes you could drive away, but you would not have trailer brakes

d.        The brakes lights will not come on when the brake pedal is pressed


12.     Air brake equipped trailers made before 1975:

a.        Often do not have spring brakes

b.        Are easier to brake than newer trailers because they are heavier

c.        Usually need a glad hand converter

d.        Cannot be legally operated on interstate highways


13.     Why should you lock the tractor glad hands to each other or to dummy couplers when you are not towing a trailer?

a.        Because that causes the air to circle back and clean each cycle

b.        Because the brake circuit becomes a backup air tank

c.        Because it keeps dirt and water out of the lines

d.        All of the above


14.     If the service air line came apart while you were driving, but the emergency line stayed together, what would happen right away?

a.        The emergency tractor brakes will come on

b.        The trailer air tank will exhaust through t he open line

c.        The emergency trailer brakes will come on

d.        Nothing is likely to happen until you try the brakes


15.     Why should you be sure that the fifth wheel has enough grease?

a.        To prevent steering problems

b.        To keep the brake in place

c.        To reduce heat and noise

d.        The ensure that the bearings inside do not burn up


16.     You are coupling a tractor to a trailer and have backed up but are not under it.What should you hook up before backing under the trailer?

a.        The electrical service cable

b.        The emergency and service lines

c.        Nothing, back up and lock the fifth wheel

d.        The service line only


17.     How do you supply air to the trailer tanks?

a.        By pushing in the trailer air supply valve

b.        By pulling out the trailer air supply valve

c.        By connecting the service line glad hand

d.        By applying the trailer hand valve









18.     When you get ready to back under a semi trailer how would you line up?

a.        You should line up about 12 degrees off the line of the trailer

b.        You should line up the kingpin to engage the driver�s side locking jaw first

c.        You should line up directly in front of the trailer

d.        You should line up the left rear outer dual wheel with the kingpin


19.     You have pushed in the trailer supply valve.You should not move the tractor until what happens?

a.        Until the whole air system is empty

b.        Until the whole air system is at normal pressure

c.        Until the air system is flushed of all moisture

d.        Until the air system is between 60 and 80 psi


20.     You are about to back your tractor under a semitrailer.The trailer is at the right height when:

a.        The trailer landing gear is fully extended

b.        The kingpin is about � � above the fifth wheel

c.        The end of the kingpin is even with the top of the fifth wheel

d.        The trailer will be lifted slightly when the tractor backs under it.


21.     The fifth wheel locking lever is not locked after the jaws close around the kingpin.What does this mean?

a.        It means the trailer will not swivel on the fifth wheel

b.        It means you cannot set the fifth wheel for weight balance

c.        It means the parking lock is off and you may drive away

d.        It means the coupling is not right and should be fixed before driving the coupled unit


22.     How much space should be between the upper and lower fifth wheel after coupling?

a.        At least ��

b.        About ��

c.        Just enough to see light through it

d.        No space at all



23.     After you lick the kingpin onto the fifth wheel, you should check the connection how?

a.        By pulling forward 50� turning right and left

b.        By pulling the tractor ahead sharply to release the trailer brakes

c.        By releasing the trailer brakes

d.        By releasing the tractor brakes and gently tugging against the trailer brakes


24.     What part of the kingpin should the locking jaws close around?

a.        The shank

b.        The base

c.        The head

d.        The flange







25.     You have coupled with a semitrailer, where should you put the front trailer supports before driving away?

a.        Raised halfway with the crank handle secured in the bracket

b.        Raised �of the way with the crank handle removed

c.        Fully raised with the crank handle secured in its bracket

d.        Three turns off the top with the crank handle secured in its bracket




1.        When empty, start braking:

a.        At the same time as when loaded

b.        At the same time, but applying more pressure than when loaded

c.        Sooner than when loaded

d.        At the same time, and applying the same pressure as when loaded.


2.        Modern air brake systems combine three different systems.They are the service brakes, the parking brakes, and the:

a.        Emergency brakes

b.        Foot brakes

c.        S-Cam brakes

d.        None of the above


3.        What does the air compressor governor do?

a.        It controls the speed of the air compressor

b.        It controls when the brake chambers release pressure

c.        It controls the air pressure applied to the brakes

d.        It controls when air is pumped into the air tanks


4.        Oil and water that collects in air tanks can make brakes fail.If you do not have automatic tank drains, when should you drain the air tanks?

a.        Every other day

b.        Every day

c.        Every week

d.        Every two weeks


5.        If you vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, why is it there?

a.        To rid the wet tank of alcohol that condenses and sits at the bottom

b.        To eliminate the need for daily tank draining

c.        To boost the tank pressure the same way that superchargers boost engines

d.        To reduce the risks of ice in air rake valves in cold weather


6.        The brake pedal in an air brake system:

a.        Controls the speed of the air compressor

b.        Always needs to be held down halfway during normal driving

c.        Controls the air pressure applied to put on the brakes

d.        Is connected to slack adjusters by a series of rods and linkages







7.        If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, everyday during cold weather what should you do?

a.        Change the alcohol from a new bottle

b.        Clean the air filter with alcohol

c.        Check the oil for alcohol content

d.        Check and fill the alcohol level


8.        Why drain water form compressed air tanks?

a.        The low boiling point of water reduces braking power

b.        Water can freeze in cold weather and cause brake failure

c.        Water cools the compressor too much

d.        To keep from fouling the air compressor oil


9.        Vehicles with air brakes must have:

a.        At least two air tanks

b.        An air pressure gauge to show the pressure available for braking

c.        An air use gauge, to show air used by the brake chambers for braking

d.        All of the above


10.     The driver must be able to see a warning that is given when air pressure in the service air tanks falls below:

a.        40 psi

b.        50 psi

c.        60 psi

d.        70 psi


11.     During normal driving, parking and emergency brakes are usually held back by:

a.        Air pressure

b.        Spring pressure

c.        Centrifugal force

d.        Mechanical force


12.     The parking or emergency brake on a heavy vehicle can only be held in position by something that cannot leak away.An example would be:

a.        Fluid pressure

b.        Spring pressure

c.        Air pressure

d.        Any of the above


13.     What does the application pressure gauge show you?

a.        It shows how much air you�ve used during this trip

b.        It shows how much pressure you have in the air tanks

c.        It shows how much air pressure you are applying to the brakes

d.        None of the above


14.     Front brake limiting valves are used to:

a.        Reduce the chance of front wheel skids

b.        Reduce wear and tear on your front brakes and tires

c.        Increase pressure slightly as the vehicle slows

d.        Reduce skids under normal driving conditions









15.     If your truck or bus has dual parking control valves, you can use pressure form a separate tank for what purpose?

a.        To release the spring emergency parking brakes to move a short distance

b.        To apply more brake pressure if the main tank is getting low

c.        To stay parked twice as ling with your service air pressure

d.        To balance the service brake system whenever you are parked


16.     The braking power of the spring brakes:

a.        Is not affected by the condition of the service brakes

b.        Can only be tested by highly trained brake specialists

c.        Depends on the service brakes being in adjustment

d.        Increases when the service brakes are hot


17.     In air brake vehicles the parking brakes should be used how?

a.        As little as possible

b.        Anytime the vehicle is parked

c.        To hold your speed when going downhill

d.        Only during pre-trip and post-trip inspections


18.     To check the free play in manual slack adjuster, you need to:

a.        Stop on level ground and apply the parking brakes

b.        Park on level ground, chick the wheels and release the parking brakes

c.        Apply the service brakes by hand and watch the slack adjusters move

d.        None of the above


19.     Your vehicle has a dual air brake system.If a low air warning comes on for the secondary system what should you do?

a.        Bring the vehicle to a safe stop and continue only when the system is fixed

b.        Reduce your speed and test the remaining system while underway

c.        Reduce your speed and drive to the nearest garage for repairs

d.        Continue at normal speed if only the secondary system fails


20.     A straight truck or bus air brake system cannot leak more than _______ per minute with the engine off and the brakes released.

a.        1 psi

b.        2 psi

c.        3 psi

d.        4 psi


21.     A combination vehicle air brake system cannot leak more than _______ per minute with the engine off and the brakes released.

a.        1 psi

b.        2 psi

c.        3 psi

d.        4 psi





22.     If you make an emergency stop, how should you brake?

a.        You brake so you can steer hard while braking hard

b.        You brake using the full power of the brakes and lock them

c.        You brake so you can steer and so your vehicle stays in a straight line

d.        You brake so that you use the hand brake first


23.     To test service brakes you should brake firmly when moving slowly forward.The brakes are okay if you notice what?

a.        The vehicle pulls to one side

b.        An unusual feel

c.        A delayed stopping action

d.        None of the above


24.     Controlled braking is when you:

a.        Press hard on the brakes pedal and apply the hand valve fully until you come to a stop

b.        Apply the hand valve for one second, then push hard on the pedal

c.        Use light steady pressure on the brake pedal

d.        Brake as hard as you can without locking the brakes.If the wheels lock, release the brakes and reapply as soon as you can


25.     Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air brakes:

a.        Use different brake drums

b.        Need to have air flow through the lines to work

c.        Require heavier return springs

d.        All of the above


26.     Use the parking brakes:

a.        When parking on uphill grade

b.        When parking on downhill grade

c.        Any time when parking, except when brakes are very hot or wet in freezing temperatures

d.        Never use the parking brakes


27.     Which of these is the first thing to do when a low pressure warning comes on:

a.        Stop and safely park as soon as possible

b.        Shift to the next higher gear

c.        Adjust the brake pedal for more travel

d.        Open the air supply control valve


28.     You know that your brakes are fading when you feel the following:

a.        You have to push harder on the brake pedal to control your speed on a downgrade

b.        The brake pedal feels spongy when pressure is applied

c.        Pressure on the brake pedal is released and speed increases

d.        Less pressure is needed on the brake pedal for each stop


29.     Which of the following makes total stopping distance longer for air brakes than hydraulic brakes?

a.        Perception distance

b.        Reaction distance

c.        Brake lag

d.        All of the above




30.     The proper procedure for inspection air tanks for oil contamination is:

a.        Check for oil leaks or smears around air hose, line, and valve connections

b.        Open the tank petcocks and allow the tanks to drain

c.        Apply service brakes sharply at 5 to 7 mph and not any mushy feeling or delayed stopping

d.        Apply service brakes and watch to see if oil pressure gauge goes up




1.        A driver who transports route controlled radioactive material must have had special training by the carrier within how recent of a time period?

a.        Within the past year

b.        Within the past 2 years

c.        Within the past 3 years

d.        Within the past 4 years


2.        A vehicle placarded for hazardous materials must have placards on how many sides?

a.        1 side

b.        2 sides

c.        3 sides

d.        4 sides


3.        There are two lists that drivers, shippers, and carriers use to find out if a material is a regulated product.One of these list is:

a.        The list of hazardous substances and reportable quantities

b.        The EPA Dangerous Materials Table

c.        The shippers list of transportable quantities

d.        The DOT hazard Chart


4.        Who is responsible for packaging, labeling, and preparing the hazardous materials shipping papers for a common carrier?

a.        Shipper

b.        Carrier

c.        Driver

d.        State auditors


5.        If an �X� or �RQ� is in the HM column of a shipping paper entry, then,:

a.        The shipment is regulated by hazardous materials regulations

b.        The material on that line is the biggest part of the shipment

c.        The entry refers to the materials that must be top loaded

d.        The entry is part of a partial shipment


6.        A hazard class name or ID number may not be used to describe:

a.        A non-hazardous material

b.        A reportable quantity of a hazardous substance

c.        A hazardous waste

d.        A hazardous material








7.        Only one of these shipping paper descriptions for hazardous materials is in the right order.Which one is it?

a.        Hydrogen bromide nonflammable gas UN-1048

b.        UN-1787 corrosive material hydriodic acid

c.        Corrosive material hydrochloric acid UN-1789

d.        Hexane UN-1208 flammable liquid


8.        When shippers package hazardous materials they must certify that this was done according to the regulations.What is the only exception?

a.        When the shipment is a hazardous waste

b.        When the driver is given a sealed cargo compartment

c.        When the shipper is a private carrier carrying his own product

d.        When the trip will not cross a state line


9.        The hazard class of a two liter bottle material is flammable liquid.If the description also says poison, inhalation hazard, how should you placard?

a.        Placard the vehicle poison only if no other cargo requires placarding

b.        Placard the vehicle with both the poison and the hazard class placards

c.        Placard the vehicle poison and remove all other placards

d.        Do not placard the vehicle


10.     Before loading or unloading any explosives, you should check the cargo space for:

a.        A cargo heater that could start

b.        Sharp points that might damage the cargo

c.        Loose floor boards or plates

d.        All of the above


11.     The transport index of a radioactive material:

a.        Is another way of writing the weight of the package

b.        Tells the degree of control needed for transportation

c.        Is something that only the shipper needs to worry about

d.        Lets the ERT ignore the ID number on the placard


12.     Cylinders containing compressed gases may only be loaded onto a vehicle if the cylinders meet which condition?

a.        They are loaded in an upright or horizontal position

b.        They are loaded into racks attached to the vehicle

c.        They are in boxes that will keep them from turning over

d.        Any of these conditions


13.     The total transport index of all radioactive material packages in a single vehicle must not exceed:

a.        10

b.        50

c.        75

d.        100






14.     Animal/ human foodstuffs should not be loaded in the same vehicle with what?

a.        Explosives

b.        Oxidizers

c.        Poisons

d.        Compressed gases


15.     You may not park a vehicle carrying hazardous materials within how many feet of an open fire?

a.        100�

b.        200�

c.        300�

d.        400�


16.     You are going to be hauling hazardous materials over a route you do not know well.When should you check the route and permits needed for the trip?

a.        Before starting the trip

b.        While you are still on a part of the route you know

c.        Within 24 hours of the finish of the trip

d.        At the end of the trip


17.     If you must briefly leave your placarded vehicle parked on a public roadway and someone else must watch it, the person watching your vehicle must;

a.        Be awake and move the vehicle if needed

b.        Know what to do in an emergency

c.        Be on the vehicle or within 100� of the vehicle and have it within clear view

d.        Meet all of the above conditions


18.     Which signals may be used to warn of a stopped vehicle that contains explosives:

a.        Signal fires

b.        Reflective triangle

c.        Flares

d.        Fuses


19.     When hauling hazardous materials, how often must you stop your vehicle and check any dual tires?

a.        At least once every hour or 40 miles, whichever is less

b.        At least once every two hours or 80 miles, whichever is less

c.        At least once every two hours or 100 miles, whichever is less�

d.        At least once every three hours or 150 miles, whichever is less


20.     You are hauling hazardous materials and you find that one of your tires is leaking.What must you do?

a.        Continue at a reduced speed and check that tire every 25 miles

b.        Stop at the nearest safe place and fix it.

c.        Report it to your carrier immediately

d.        Report it to the DOT


21.     When fueling a placarded vehicle, someone must always be what?

a.        Within 10� of the pump with a fire extinguisher

b.        Watching the fueling from a safe distance

c.        At the nozzle controlling the fuel flow

d.        At the emergency power shut-off for the pump





22.     Whenever your vehicle is placarded you should not drive near open fires unless:

a.        You are equipped with fire sprinklers

b.        The commodity is a nonflammable material

c.        Unless you can safely pass the fire without stopping

d.        Unless you have an enclosed cargo compartment


23.     You must not smoke within _______feet of a placarded tank used for flammable liquids or gases.

a.        10�

b.        25�

c.        50�

d.        100�


24.     To stop for railroad tracks, how many feet away should you stop before the nearest track?

a.        5-20 feet

b.        10-35 feet

c.        15-50 feet

d.        20-65 feet


25.     What must carriers give to each driver who transports class A or B explosives?

a.        An extra fire bottle

b.        The consignee�s telephone number

c.        A copy of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Part 397

d.        A list of rest stops that the driver may use


26.     You should stop before crossing a railroad grade if your vehicle is carrying how much chlorine?

a.        110 gallons

b.        100 gallons

c.        55 gallons

d.        Any amount


27.     What should you do when there is a hazardous material emergency?

a.        Keep people away

b.        Prevent smoking and keep open flame away

c.        Warn others of the danger

d.        Do all of these things


28.     When transporting chlorine in cargo tanks, you must have:

a.        An approved gas mask

b.        The proper shipping papers

c.        An emergency kit for controlling leads in fittings on the dome cover plate

d.        All of the above


29.     If hazardous material is spilling from your vehicle, where should you not move your vehicle?

a.        Any more than 500�

b.        In an upwind direction

c.        Off of the roadway

d.        Any more then safety requires


30.     A vehicle carrying explosives has crashed with another vehicle.You should not pull them apart until:

a.        The shippers loading foreman is present

b.        The explosives have been placed at least 200� away

c.        At least 30 minutes have passed

d.        All three of the conditions are met




31.     How many shipping classes are there?

a.        6

b.        10

c.        9

d.        2


32.     Shipping papers are?

a.        Shipping orders

b.        Bills of lading

c.        Manifest

d.        All of the above


33.     Propane is an example of what Hazard class, Division, and Name?

a.        2/2.1/Flammable Gas

b.        4/4.1/Combustible

c.        1/1.1/Explosive

d.        9/-/Miscellaneous hazard


34.     A hazardous material that has a class number of 1, reflects what type of risk?

a.        High risk

b.        Low risk

c.        Medium risk

d.        No risk


35.     You can determine if placards are needed, if you know?

a.        Material class

b.        Amount being shipped

c.        Amount of hazardous materials of all classes on your trailer

d.        All of the above


36.     A material listed as____________, in a hazard class or division should never be transported?

a.        Infectious

b.        Poison (toxic)

c.        Forbidden

d.        Radioactive


37.     Shipping papers, when not driving should be kept?

a.        Driver seat

b.        Driver floor

c.        Driver door pouch

d.        A or C


38.     When hauling hazardous materials, a fire extinguisher must have a minimum U.L. rating of?

a.        5 B.C.

b.        10 B.C.

c.        15 B.C.

d.        20 B.C.


39.     Regulations require shippers to put hazardous warning labels on packages and _________?

a.        Provide proper shipping papers

b.        Emergency Response Information

c.        Placards

d.        All of the above


40.     When �Inhalation Hazard� appears on shipping papers, which placard must be displayed?

a.        Oxidizer

b.        Poison

c.        Radioactive

d.        Corrosive





41.     A shipping paper for hazardous materials must include?

a.        Page #�s, if shipping paper has more than one page

b.        Proper shipping description for each hazardous material

c.        �Shipper Certification�, signed by shipper

d.        All of the above


42.     If shipping papers describes both hazardous and non-hazardous products, the hazardous materials must be?

a.        Highlighted in contrasting colors

b.        Identified be �X� or �RQ� in column captioned HM

c.        Described first

d.        All of the above


43.     When transporting �Hazardous Waste�, you must sign and carry?

a.        A plan to clean up any spill

b.        A list of hazardous material �Safe Havens�

c.        Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest

d.        Pre Planned Route for delivery


44.     Placards placed on your vehicle must be at least______, away from any other markings?

a.        12 inches

b.        3 inches

c.        6 inches

d.        4 inches


45.     To know which placards to display, you need t know, the total weight, the amount of hazardous material shipped, and _________?

a.        Type of packaging

b.        Hazard class

c.        Hazard I.D. number

d.        All of the above


46.     If a shipper loads a leaking or damaged container on your vehicle, you should?

a.        Call the receiver

b.        Note it on the bills or manifest

c.        Not transport it

d.        Both A and B


47.     Nitric Acid cannot be?

a.        Loaded above another product

b.        Stacked more than two high

c.        A and B

d.        None of the above


48.     Where would you find requirements for mixed loads?

a.        Bulk Packing Chart

b.        Classification/Division Chart

c.        Hazardous Material Table

d.        Segregation and Separation Chart


49.     Portable Tanks must display?

a.        I.D. # of shipper

b.        Lessee or owner�s name

c.        Total capacity

d.        Total weight


50.     When transporting hazardous materials, you may not park within_____ feet of a place where people gather?

a.        300�

b.        500�

c.        100�

d.        200�